Affordable, Comprehensive Solutions for Your Tourism Business

...from Discovery, to Inquiry, to Booking.

Our system INTEGRATES with your

EXISTING business processes.

Customer Journey - Phase 1

Discovery & Promotion

Discovery & Promotion


Customer Journey - Phase 2

Lead & Inquiry Management

Lead & Inquiry Management

$397 /month

Customer Journey - Phase 3

(soon) Booking & Scheduling

Booking & Scheduling

Shared Success

Build a Digital Command Centre

for your Tourism-Related Business

  • Ethical Discovery Site

"Boost your business by partnering with Pathfinder365, an ethical discovery platform that connects travellers with authentic local experiences, driving higher customer engagement and loyalty."

  • Integrated Booking & Scheduling

"Maximize bookings and improve guest experiences with our integrated activity and accommodation booking system, designed to streamline tourism operations and enhance customer satisfaction."

  • AI Chat System

"Enhance customer service and drive conversions with our AI Chat System powered by ChatGPT, for instant, intelligent support."

  • Smart Email Campaigns

"Boost engagement and sales effortlessly with Smart Email Campaigns, that automate direct customer interactions."

  • Unified Conversation Manager

"Streamline all your customer communications with a Unified Conversation Manager for seamless, multi-channel interactions."

  • Automatic Review Collection

"Effortlessly gather and manage customer feedback with Automatic Review Collection to boost your business reputation."

  • Dynamic Tagging

"Organize and target your audience more effectively with Dynamic Tags for personalized marketing and engagement."

Front-End Discovery, Promotion and Booking

Back-End Lead and Inquiry Management

We'll take what you've already

established, and simply make it easier,

more efficient, and more productive.

Continue below for the full
Opportunities and Solutions breakdown


Opportunity #1:

People are reaching out 24/7, but you can't possibly be available that entire time, let alone responsive within 5 minutes.

  • Speed to Lead Automatic AI Responses

We’ve integrated a super smart and dynamic AI Chat interface, and we’ve made this system available to all of our customers, as a part of their Pathfinder365 membership.

Picture having your very own chatbot, backed by the greatest LLM (large language model) with ChatGPT.

Your business will instantly respond to:

- all inquiries with custom dialogue

- across all platforms, in one place

- having real conversations

- nurturing leads into customers

It’s your very own trainable, deployable, assistant.

And if you miss a call, our automated missed-call text-backs have you covered!

Average cost of tools like this:

$197 / month

Opportunity #2:

Don’t have the time, or the systems in place, to nurture leads over weeks or even months, getting the 7 to 10 touches often needed to convert them into customers.

  • Automated Answering Service and Email Sequences

Further to the AI Chatbot noted in the previous challenge, we also offer automatic workflows with customizable nurture sequences.

These can be instant responses as well, and can also consistently and dynamically respond to your inquiries, over long spans of time…days, weeks, or even months, and nurture them into customers. Inquiries frequently need multiple touches in order to coax them across the purchasing chasm.

Plus, nurture sequences will also reduce the time you spend on inquiries that will never convert…aka, the tire kicker time-suck.

Average cost of tools like this:

$285 / month

Opportunity #3:

Limited time to manage multiple social media platforms, plus all of the conversations.

  • Social Media Planner and Scheduler

Our content & AI powered social media planner covers all of your bases, letting you plan out and schedule all of your social posts, across all of the major platform’s, months in advance.

Plus, all conversations that come through these social channels are funneled through our unified conversation manager, and captured in the CRM.

And like everything else with this dynamic system, there’s new stuff coming down the pipeline all the time.

Average cost of tools like this:

$32 / month

Opportunity #4:

Potential revenue falling through the cracks, and struggle to keep track of customers and their info.

  • Customer Relationship Manager

Our integrated CRM will greatly reduce the revenue bleed, and will give you a dashboard of all of your customers, all data collected, every interaction with them, the workflows they’re in, and so much more.

CRMs enable businesses to build stronger relationships through personalized and efficient interactions. It also streamlines sales, marketing, and customer service processes, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention, and ultimately driving business growth.

Average cost of tools like this:

$32 / month

Opportunity #5:

No idea what stages your leads and inquiries are at in the sales pipeline.

  • Opportunities Pipelines

Harness the power of our fantastic and highly customizable pipelines to manage every stage of your sales opportunities’ journeys.

You can track what stage they’re at, automatically add tags, trigger automations that kick them in and out of nurture sequences, and basically have a fully automated sales system helping you move your leads into the win column.

Opportunities Pipeline

Average cost of tools like this:

$15 / month

Opportunity #6:

Don’t get around to asking for reviews from enough customers!

  • Automatic Review Collector

Let our amazing lead management system automatically ask your favourite customers for reviews. Never miss a single opportunity to ask a customer for a review. Most of your customers want to give you a good review, they just don’t get around to it, and could use a nudge.

For the most part, it's simply a matter of asking, and reminding, and reminding... Which is time consuming, and likely time you can't spare. But this too can be automated with our system. This is a game changer for review collection.

Average cost of tools like this:

$146 / month

Opportunity #7:

Not getting enough referrals.

  • Referral Generator

Similar to the Automatic Review Collector, a lot of your customers would be happy to give you a referral, they just need to be asked. But who has the time?!

Let our system automatically ask every one of your customers, every single time, so you don’t have to make it awkward, or leave any more money on the table.

Average cost of tools like this:

$146 / month

Opportunity #8:

Need more appointments/bookings, but then managing
the confirmations, reminders, changes, etc. is a headache.

  • Appointment Manager

Combine AI and automations with our integrated appointment calendar and quickly turn the chaos of managing meetings into a structured calendar.

Including automatic appointment confirmations and reminders through email and SMS, and automatic follow-ups for no shows or cancellations, nurturing them to rebook their appointment.

Average cost of tools like this:

$28/ month

Opportunity #9:

Not enough sales, or not selling online.

  • Online Sales

I’ve honestly never heard a business owner say they have enough sales, unless it was a retired couple; and that's a different scenario.

Every other small business generally wants to grow, and wants even more security and financial padding that comes from more sales.

By adding our system to your business operations and combining it with your business knowledge and your fantastic offerings…our platform has the potential to turn your business into a well-oiled digital sales machine.

Adding the ability to sell online, or to simplify, streamline or enhance how you sell online, with a website builder, products and packages, and funnel pages. We have it all!

Average cost of tools like this:

$229/ month

Opportunity #10:

No place for a small tourism business to truly be discovered,

or a platform that’s entirely built for

small to medium sized Canadian tourism business' success.

  • The Pathfinder365 Discovery Site has Arrived!

Our Discovery System is an essential tool for Canadian activity and accommodation businesses.

It offers a specialized platform that amplifies your visibility, connecting you with a broader audience of local and international travellers, and eliminates the interference of popularity indexing and unethical algorithms that are focused on data and advertising.

And, it's 100% FREE for travellers and tourism businesses, including accommodations, activities, and tourism-centric gift shops.

Once again, the Discovery System, and the full suite of discovery tools, are completely FREE!!

Concerned about the Cost?

  • We think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

When you join Pathfinder365, you can do away with a LOT of other systems, and their associated costs.

All the tools you need in one platform without having to "duct-tape" multiple platforms together, or connect systems with zaps.

This Command Centre replaces

over $21,000 worth of systems! 😲

(and that's often just the basic features)

Replaces Other Systems

You’ll replace all of these tools, with a single, powerful system.

  • Together, these systems cost thousands of dollars a month.

  • Especially once you move past the base prices.

All the tools... No feature caps... Unlimited users
And we’re continuously adding new tools to your toolkit.

Just $397 per month, or $3,970 per year!

(Annual = 2 months FREE and progressive annual discounts)

All-in-One System

"This will be a game changer for tourism companies. There are too many niche platforms that waste operators time signing up for and maintaining a presence on. Pathfinder will be a one stop shop for showing your product to the consumers once it gets the exposure. Very excited to watch it grow."

- Sturgeon River Ranch -

"From first hand experience, I can say I LOVE what Pathfinder is doing for tourists/travellers. One of the things I love most about travelling is stepping into new experiences in stride with locals. The platform makes it so easy to discover local events and businesses within arms reach, it has become a travel must-have for me."

- Kira K -

"Pathfinder365 is, to me, the perfect travel app. Eliminating Google searches that only bring up the highest paid advertisements.

Easy to find businesses in the local I'm in, or headed to."

- Craig C -

"As a hunting outfitter, Pathfinder365 has been a fantastic resource for connecting with potential clients and fellow outdoors enthusiasts. The platform’s innovative approach to lead management and discovery has made it easier than ever to showcase our services and build valuable relationships.

Even in its early stages, Pathfinder365 shows immense promise and is clearly designed with businesses like ours in mind. We’re excited to see how it will continue to evolve and offer even more features to support our growth. Highly recommended for any hunting outfitter looking to expand their reach and enhance their business operations.

- No Fly Zone Waterfowl Outfitters -

"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Pathfinder365 is a game-changer for those who love to explore and travel! The detailed information and beautiful photos of each location truly enhance the planning process.

Their revolutionary approach to exploring our beautiful country is exactly what we needed. I'm thrilled to have discovered Pathfinder365 and will definitely be using it for all our future adventures. Highly recommend!"

- Cole S -

Discovery Site

Discovery Map

Dynamic Suite of Promotional and Marketing Tools


The Discovery Suite is a continuously evolving set of unique marketing and promotional tools, that have been elegantly integrated with a digital map...creating a one stop source for tourism discovery.

Available to Use:

  • Experience Inquiry System

  • Events & Festivals

  • Job Board

  • AdventureSuitcase

In the Near-Future Development Queue:

  • Merch Stores

  • Roadtripper AI

  • Enhanced Filtering

  • Dynamic Notifications

  • AdventurePoints ...more to come!

*** 100% FREE to use for Businesses and Travellers

*** All tools are self-managed

Booking & Scheduling System

We only earn when you win

Shared Success

  • You can promote, transact and sell your business' Experience packages directly through our platform, and we'll only take a small percentage of the shared success.

  • Similar for Events, Festivals and Merchandise. When these items are transacted through our platform, we'll take a very small percentage of the win we've shared together.

*** In Development ~ July 2024

Lead Management System

(Optional) Onboarding Fee

Save time and streamline your adoption of these awesome tools with our onboarding support.



  • It can be extremely time consuming and down-right intimidating to integrate a new system into your business operations.

  • And to be honest, most small businesses don't have the time or the digital bandwidth to get systems like this set up to be truly effective solutions for them.

  • Instead, the new system is added to bottom of the list of problems the owner/manager has to solve. A system is only as good as it's initial integration, its adoption by the team, and its ongoing management.

  • We'll help get you set up, so you can make the most out of this incredible system, and keep you on track to ensure it's solving problems for you every single day.


Not sold on the annual benefits? No problem. Dip your toes in with the month-to-month option.


/ Month

  • Try Free for 15 Days!

Our comprehensive and dynamic Lead Management System includes the following amazing features (which are growing every month!):

  • CRM

  • Automatic Text-Backs

  • Email Automations

  • Automatic Review Requests

  • Unified Conversation Manager

  • Social Media Scheduling

  • Email Campaigns & Newsletters

  • Reputation Manager

  • Website Builder

  • Landing Page Funnel Builder

  • Forms & Surveys

  • and more!!


Dive in, and get some seriously awesome year over year bonuses with the annual option.


/ Year

  • Try Free for 15 Days!

Everything from the Monthly Plan, plus a couple sweet added benefits!

  • Two Months Free with an Annual Membership

Loyalty Reward!!

We value continuous, long-lasting partnerships. And one way we show our appreciation is by offering a progressive 5% discount on our uninterrupted annual Lead Management System memberships.

  • Year 1 - $3,970

  • Year 2 - $3,970 - 5% = $3,772

  • Year 3 - $3,970 - 10% = $3,573

  • Year 4 - $3,970 - 15% = $3,375

  • Year 5 - $3,970 - 20% = $3,176

5th year = 33% total savings, or 4 months free!!

  • This will only be for continuous, annual subscriptions

  • If a business leaves, and then comes back, they'll restart at $3,970/year

  • Discount stabilizes at year 5

Other Services

Website Rebuild

Have a LMS membership with us, and you're looking for a fresh start with your website? Look no further!


/ 4 Standard Web Pages

If you've purchased a Lead Management System membership with us and you're interested in shifting your existing website over to your awesome new system, we can help you out.

Price Includes:

  • Framing out 4 standard website pages: Home Page, Amenities, Blog, Resources/FAQs/Extra Info

    • Dialogue, images and videos from existing website will be repurposed to new site

    • Two rounds of minor content and design revisions

  • We'll assist with the transfer of your domain to your LMS system

  • We'll walk you through your new website, and give you a run-through of how you can easily update and maintain it yourself


  • Additional website page development - $1,350/page

  • Funnel/Landing Page development - $1,755/page

Blog Development

We all know content is super important. Save time by letting us develop and schedule your blogs!


/ 12 Blogs

Content is absolutely critical for your online presence, and staying top-of-mind with your customers. But sometimes it feels like there's no time, and it's all just a bit relentless.

So let us take the wheel on a single piece, and get your blogs squared away for the year.

Price Includes:

  • Drafting 12 blog topics

    • One round of topic revisions

  • Writing 12 monthly blogs of approx. 400 words each, based on the approved topics

    • One round of blog revisions

  • Scheduling 12 monthly blogs to automatically deploy over a 12 month period

    • Option 1: Utilize Pathfinder365's Lead Management System and its integrated Websites and Blog system

    • Option 2: Another blog building & scheduling platform is in place, and the business can give us access

    • Option 3: We simply hand the blogs over to the business

Pathfinder365 Logo

Copyright © 2024 Pathfinder365 Adventure Agency Inc.

"Pathfinder365 Adventure Agency Inc. is headquartered in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on Treaty 6 Territory, and the traditional homeland of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota, Nakota, and Métis nations. We pay our respects to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this great land, and reaffirm our relationship with one another."